PSI Training
Advanced Hypnotherapy Workshops and CPD courses throughout the UK and via Distance Learning
Accredited Hypnotherapy-Psychotherapy Practitioner diploma training courses face-to-face in Southampton/Salisbury and surrounding areas
The Psycho-Semantics Institute (PSI Training)

PSI Training have been delivering professional training in the field of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and solution-focused counselling since 1989.
The diploma course offered by PSI Training is a full Hypno-Psychotherapy Practitioner Diploma course accredited by the GHSC. Advanced CPD workshops and distance learning courses are also available.
Hypno-Psychotherapy Practitioner Diploma
PSI Training’s Practitioner Diploma Course consists of over 450 hours of study including a minimum of 120 hours of classroom instruction, in addition to further home study, therapy, assignments, exercises and case work.
Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development in the form of advanced workshops and distance learning courses is available in a broad range of related subjects for hypnotherapy and psychotherapy practitioners. Contact PSI Training for more info.
PSI Director & Principal Tutor
The PSI Training, Institute Director and Principal Tutor, is Mike Garrett, who set up PSI Training in 1989. Over the years, Mike has trained in excess of 2000 students and helped well over 5000 clients overcome their issues using these therapies.
Leading the way in training
At PSI Training, we believe that our Hypno-Psychotherapy Diploma is one of the most comprehensive Practitioner Diploma courses available to prospective students, combining hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP & solution-focused counseling.
Following on from our continued success, PSI Training now offer Hypnotherapy Training in Newbury, Bath the New Forest (near Southampton and Salisbury) and in the Netherlands.
Graduates will acquire a Diploma in Hypno-Psychotherapy, setting them apart from those with a background and qualification purely in hypnotherapy.
I have absolutely loved doing the Hypno-Psychotherapy diploma course via PSI Training. Mike taught it in such a way that I found the learning easy and I feel really confident using the techniques learnt. So many courses seemed to cover just the basics with a load of scripts to go with it; this course has given me a thorough understanding of hypnotherapy with the added bonus of a background in psychotherapy and NLP too. I just wish I’d done it sooner!
What We Offer
4he Psycho-Semantics Institute (PSI Training) has been delivering professional training in the field of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and solution-focused counselling since 1989.
The Practitioner Diploma course offered by
We believe that our Hypno-Psychotherapy Diploma is one of the most comprehensive Practitioner Diploma courses available to prospective students. Many training schools choose to offer hypnotherapy training to Practitioner level, followed by an advanced diploma in hypnotherapy. At PSI, the two are effectively combined, thereby offering you not just a complete and thorough level of training but
Our diploma course doesn’t just cover hypnotherapy, but brief psychotherapy, NLP and solution-focused counselling too. As a result, the qualification you acquire is a Diploma in Hypno-Psychotherapy, setting you apart from those that graduate elsewhere as pure hypnotherapists.
Our mission is simple: to teach and nurture students that will graduate from PSI, equipped with the knowledge, expertise and confidence, ready to set up in practice and build a successful business, should they choose to do so.
So how do we offer all this for the same price? All the topics, techniques and practice you need are covered in 120 hours of face-to-face teaching. The balance of theory and practical exercises
This course for is a full practitioner level course totalling over 450 hours of study. Anything less than this is not recognised by the GHR as practitioner status. Some practitioner diplomas have around half this level of tuition and study, which in fact means they are ‘foundation level diplomas’. With these, you will not be able to secure registration with a recognised body as a practitioner or indeed acquire insurance to practise.
PSI Training
Next intensive Practitioner Diploma courses starts September 2024
Please contact us for more information.
Continuing Professional Development advanced workshops and distance learning courses are available in a broad range of related subjects for hypnotherapy and psychotherapy practitioners. For more information, please click here.
The Team

Mike Garrett
Director & Principal Tutor

Nicolette Pinkney
Assistant Tutor & Course Co-Ordinator
Mike Garrett founded PSI Training in 1989 and the Institute has continued to grow from strength to strength. His breadth of knowledge and experience gained in these fields, together with his humour and structured teaching approach make him a well-liked and inspiring tutor.
Since joining PSI Training, Nicolette Pinkney has been instrumental in rolling the courses out and supporting our students. Having trained with Mike back in 2009, she knows first-hand what you will be going through and is here to help in any way she can.
Reach Us
For further details or a prospectus, please get in touch.
PSI Training,
1 The Banks,
Grimstead Road,
Whaddon, Salisbury,
Wiltshire, SP5 3EE
01722 238395